In the spring of 2024, we will be holding another round of assistant instructor and level 1 instructor training courses. This fun event will be of interest to anyone who wants to dive deeper into the world of kitesurfing and understand how it all works. The courses create the right sporting and scientific atmosphere at the kite station and improve the quality of our services. In addition! They offer a unique opportunity for some lucky people to learn to kite for free! We will need “training students".

A career in kiteboarding begins with obtaining a certificate of a confident and independent kiteboarder (IKO kiteboarder level 4).
This certificate can be obtained at any kite school in the world that has the IKO badge, including ours. We will give it to any kiteboarder whose level we can confirm, completely free of charge. However, you can't fool yourself.
Only by feeling this confidence, you can think about the next step - teaching other people, and making money on it.

To qualify for the level of instructor, you will need to pass one mandatory step. On the website (https://www.ikointl.com/), find the schedule for the "Assistant Instructor Course". It can only be conducted by IKO kite schools with the PRO prefix, and not by every instructor, but only by an Assistant Trainer.
The first "Assistant Instructor" course at our station will be held from March 19 to 23, 2024 under the guidance of Anton Zhuravlev. The second - from April 5 to 9, 2024, will be conducted by Ivan Gavrilov.

After successfully passing the assistant exam, you will be able to move on to the next stage - the Instructor Level 1 course.
They are also held only at IKO kite stations with the PRO prefix.
There are only 30 examiners in the world who can certify kite instructors in IKO!
The IKO Kite Instructor Level 1 seminar from April 11 to 15, 2024 will be led by the legendary Massimiliano Piona. He is strict, but fair. A true kiteboarder at heart. More than 20 years of experience in active teaching! He explains very clearly, and asks strictly. A seminar with him is a touch of the source in kiteboarding! Don't miss it!

Level 1 instructor courses will be held at our station from April 11 to 15, 2024.
To register for the courses, you must also pay a registration fee on the IKO website ($299). The balance is payable on the station ($730). There are only 8 places available.
It is advisable to have a valid first aid certificate. You can get it at any diving center in Hurghada if you arrive a week before the courses.
After successfully passing the Instructor Level 1 exam, you will open up the opportunity to work as a kite instructor anywhere in the world!

Playkite can also help you with accommodation on the spot.
A room right on the station - 10 days - $250.
A room 5 minutes walk from the station - 10 days - $150.

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